
Magical and Dynamic Expression of “HITODAMA (disembodied spirit)”
Runway Looks Unveiled

デザイナーの久保嘉男が手掛ける「ヨシオクボ(yoshiokubo)」は8/29(月) 19:00、楽天が主催するプロジェクト「by R」でファッションショーを開催した。ショーのテーマは「HITODAMA(人魂)」。ショーは、立体的に動物などをモチーフにしたドレスを纏ったダンサーのパフォーマンスでスタート。亡霊のように揺れ動き、青いオーガンジーが光で透けて幻想的だ。今季の「ヨシオクボ」はカラフルなシースルー素材を多用し、シルエットや透け感で遊びをきかせている。アイキャッチな“SHIRANGANA HONMA(しらんがな ほんま)”のロゴ入りトップスは、久保デザイナーのルーツである大阪弁。コード刺繍で立体的に表現し、ポップな印象に。「実験的に、今までになかったファッションの可能性を探っていく」という久保デザイナーの新しい試みが反映されたコレクション。ダイナミックに美しく、見る人々を魅了する。 Yoshiokubo by designer Yoshio Kubo held a fashion show at 7pm on Monday, August 29th under the "by R" project sponsored by Rakuten. The theme of the show was "HITODAMA (disembodied spirit)". The show started with a performance by dancers wearing dresses designed with three-dimensional animals and a variety of other motifs. They swayed like ghosts, and the blue organdy shone through the light, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. This season's Yoshiokubo's collection uses a lot of colorful see-through materials and plays with silhouettes and transparency. The eye-catching "SHIRANGANA HONMA (I seriously don’t care.)" logo on the top is a phrase in the Osaka dialect, which designer Kubo recognizes as his roots. Code embroidery gives it a three-dimensional, pop impression. The collection reflected Kubo's new attempt to "experiment and explore the possibilities of fashion that have never existed before”. Dynamic and beautiful, the collection captivates anyone who sees it.


Staff Credit Staff Credit

Text:Mami Osugi
Photography:Koji Shimamura
Edit:Yukari Oe〈Creator Collectives〉
Text:Mami Osugi
Photography:Koji Shimamura
Edit:Yukari Oe〈Creator Collectives〉
Translation:Momoyo Oyama, Tia Ell

yoshiokuboのショップへ yoshiokubo SHOP


デザイナー自身の “今まで見た事のないパターンやディテールを追求したい” という思いを、クチュール時代に培った確かな技術を駆使し、自身のコレクションに投影させている。“服のデザインやディテールをもう一度考えてもらいたい”という願望のもと、上質なパターンときめ細やかな裁縫技術をベースに、一貫して衣服としての機能を重視した着心地よい日常着を提案している。 Designer Yoshio Kubo's own passion for “pursuing patterns and details that have never been seen before” is projected onto his collections making full use of the authentic techniques he had developed during his time as a couturier.
Under his desire to “encourage people to think twice about the design and details of clothes”, he has been creating comfortable everyday wear based on high-quality patterns and meticulous sewing techniques, with a consistent emphasis on the functionality of the garment.



Yoshio Kubo

2000年 Philadelphia University’s school of Textile & Science 卒業。NYのオートクチュールデザイナー、ロバートデンス氏のもとコレクションの作製に携わる。2004年に帰国。同年9月東京にて「yoshiokubo」 発表。 Graduated from Philadelphia University's school of Textile & Science in 2000, Yoshio Kubo worked for New York based haute couture designer, Robert Danes, on the production of his collections.
He returned to Japan in 2004, and in September of the same year, he established his brand "yoshiokubo" in Tokyo.

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