
yoshiokubo limited items
unveiled at 10am on Thu, Aug 18, 2022

熱烈なファンの多いyoshiokuboが8/4(木)に待望のショップをRakuten Fashionにオープン。by R限定アイテムは、デザイナー自身のルーツを体現する関西弁のフレーズを、ギミックたっぷりにコード刺繍のモチーフで表現。 yoshiokubo, a brand known for many avid fans, will open its long-awaited online store on Rakuten Fashion on Thursday, August 4, 2022. Two weeks later, on Thursday, August 18, 2022, the store will start pre-order sale of limited items for “by R.” Items full of the designer’s wit and craftsmanship will surely upgrade your everyday outfits.

yoshiokuboのショップへ yoshiokubo SHOP


yoshiokubo 23SSのシーズンテーマは「HITODAMA(人魂)」。
Spring-Summer 2023 season theme is “Hitodama (will-o'-the-wisp)”.

“Mysterious illuminants,” such as will-o’-the-wisp and ghost appearing in fairy tales, are translated into clothes design through techniques inspired by Japan’s traditional “transparency expressions” like openwork and kumiko woodworking and the effective use of colorful and sheer textiles. Kansaiben (Kansai dialect) Series are fun-filled pieces of craftsmanship expressed with cord embroidery of graphics to be showcased in “by R” runway show.


デザイナー自身の “今まで見た事のないパターンやディテールを追求したい” という思いを、クチュール時代に培った確かな技術を駆使し、自身のコレクションに投影させている。“服のデザインやディテールをもう一度考えてもらいたい”という願望のもと、上質なパターンときめ細やかな裁縫技術をベースに、一貫して衣服としての機能を重視した着心地よい日常着を提案している。 Designer Yoshio Kubo's own passion for “pursuing patterns and details that have never been seen before” is projected onto his collections making full use of the authentic techniques he had developed during his time as a couturier.
Under his desire to “encourage people to think twice about the design and details of clothes”, he has been creating comfortable everyday wear based on high-quality patterns and meticulous sewing techniques, with a consistent emphasis on the functionality of the garment.



Yoshio Kubo

2000年 Philadelphia University’s school of Textile & Science 卒業。NYのオートクチュールデザイナー、ロバートデンス氏のもとコレクションの作製に携わる。2004年に帰国。同年9月東京にて「yoshiokubo」 発表。 Graduated from Philadelphia University's school of Textile & Science in 2000, Yoshio Kubo worked for New York based haute couture designer, Robert Danes, on the production of his collections.
He returned to Japan in 2004, and in September of the same year, he established his brand "yoshiokubo" in Tokyo.

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